Last updated: 30 Oct 2008
Besides 1 trillion instructions executed?
Most common:
Most common:
Lock it up; unplug from network; turn it off
This fortifies your computer, hopefully plugging more holes than it creates.
Be very careful about trusting results:
yum, ntp (network time protocol), iptables, route, su, tar, dump
cat /etc/passwd; cat /etc/group; look at logs in /var/log (logwatch,; look at info in /proc; top; selinux; monitor (e.g., nagios; Big Brother); file integrity (tripwire, osiris); chkrootkit
restore; tar; use of file permissions and roles
netstat -an; fuser -n tcp [port]; ping; traceroute; arp; ifconfig; route
ls -la; ls -lt; ls -l --time=ctime --sort=time; grep; chmod/chown
service [servicename] start/stop/status; ls /etc/init.d; chkconfig --list [servicename]; less /etc/inittab; grep disable /etc/xinetd.d/*
ps aux; kill -KILL [pid]; crontab -l [user]; ls -la /etc/cron.[time]
ingress and egress; whitelists vs. blacklists
none builtin; clamav?
TrueCrypt; ssh; ssl
data at rest and in motion
Nessus; nmap; metasploit (dangerous!)