C: or D: (hard disk) drive
Computer Services intentionally does not support backing up data on these
drives. The C: drive is considered to be easily replaceable in case
of failure. This policy lowers their cost of ownership of the hundreds of
computers they control on campus, thereby keeping campus operational
costs down.
Therefore, anytime that they want to upgrade your operating system, it would
be in your best interests to make sure you have a backup made of any
data you have stored on those hard disk drives. For megabytes worth of data,
you can put it on your H: drive, burn it to a CD/DVD
disc, copy it to a USB flash/thumb drive, or put in in the
cloud (e.g., Google Drive
or Microsoft OneDrive for Business).
Unless you own a tape drive, gigabytes worth of data are
best placed on another hard drive -- contact lab staff: we may have
some temporary hard disk space available.