How to Setup Eclipse with WTP
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In the instructions below, substitute your UW Net ID wherever you see "uwnetid".

Last updated: 18 Jan 2007

Installing the Tools

The installation and configuration perspective is that of a lab administrator trying to allow the sharing of the tools by multiple users in a computer lab.

Most installations are "cookbook" installations, meaning that we accept the default settings during installation. One exception is MySQL, which we do not install as a service to allow individual login accounts to start the service and access resources (such as the database) on their home directory. We provide a small configuration change and a script to make this as painless as possible for the user to start MySQL.

Here are the tools that are installed:

  • Eclipse 3.2.1

  • Web Tools Platform (WTP) 1.5.2

    There are a variety of ways you can get Eclipse with WTP, from a complete bundle to just the plugin for WTP. WTP can be downloaded from:

  • Apache Tomcat 5.5.17

    We use Tomcat 5.5.17 since it is the latest version installed on our server, We want to maintain version compatibility with the server to minimize the number of problems that could arise deploying to a local server and to a remote server.

  • MySQL 5.0.27 (for compatibility with remote server)

    We use MySQL 5.0.27 since it is the latest version available that is greater than the one (5.0.24a) installed on our server, We want to maintain version compatibility with the server to minimize the number of problems that could arise deploying to a local server and to a remote server.

  • MySQL JDBC Connector 3.1.13

    We use mysql-connector-java-3.1.13-bin.jar, but any 3.1.x version or the newer 5.x version should also work.

Eclipse is started manually when the user wants to do some development work. Tomcat runs as a service, but should not be configured to start automatically -- WTP can start and stop it. MySQL needs to be started if it is not installed as a service, as in the labs.

Installing Eclipse with WTP

Eclipse and its plugins are supplied as archives. Archives are the generic term for the common tar (tape archive, not usually compressed) and zip (archiving plus compression) files. An archive is simply a file of files, directories and other information (owner, file permissions, creation/modification dates, etc.) in a special format created by special commands (usually of the same name as the file type; e.g., tar is the command to create .tar files, though they don't need to be named .tar). Other popular archives are Java archives (.jar), web archives (.war) and enterprise archives (.ear) -- the jar facility can create all of these.

Once a archive is created, it is usually distributed or sent somewhere, where the recipient un-archives ("unzips" or "untars") it, using the same command (but different arguments) to "extract" the information in the archive, thereby creating the archived files and directories with all pertinent attributes applied on the recipient's file system. With some archiving methods (e.g., tar), you must explicitly compress and uncompress the archive prior to archiving or extraction, or as an extra argument combined with the operation; with others (e.g., zip), it is done for you automatically.

Though we won't discuss details of creating an archive here, there is one way that someone can create an archive that makes it easier for you to extract the archive -- if they archive an entire directory instead of just the files within that directory. That way, when you extract the archive, you get a directory of files, not all of the files in the directory. This helps you manage what was part of the archive and what was part of the directory into which you extracted the archive.

You can determine how the extraction will proceed -- what directories will be created -- by asking the archiving mechanism to display the table of contents of the directory. This is usually the -t option of the archiver. For example:

unzip -t
tar -tf abc.tar
If everything starts with the same directory name, it will be placed in the a directory of that name. If not, you can sometimes specify the directory to place the extracted files in:
unzip -d E:\mydir
will place all of the archived contents of into E:\mydir.

  1. install Eclipse

    unzip -d C:\
  2. install Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), etc. plugin
    unzip -d C:\
  3. install Graphical Editor Framework (GEF) plugin
    unzip -d C:\
  4. install Visual Editor (VE) plugin; this includes the Java EMF Model Runtime driver (JEM), required for WTP.
    unzip -d C:\
  5. run Eclipse to pick up all preceding plugins
  6. verify basic plugins
  7. install Web Tools Platform (WTP) plugin
    unzip -d C:\
  8. run Eclipse to pick up WTP plugin
  9. verify WTP plugins

Apache Tomcat Installation

For the most part, install with defaults (also known as a "cookbook" installation).

  1. When you get to the place where the admin account is shown, choose a password, but don't use your login password, as this one won't be secure.

  2. When the installation is on the "Finish" page, it will ask if you want to Run Tomcat -- uncheck that option. We don't start it now, as it would interfere with use Eclipse's built-in tomcat service.

MySQL Installation

  1. Unzip the archive into a temporary location:
      unzip -d C:\temp
  2. Run the installer:
      cd /d c:\temp
  3. Use the Typical installation, and install it

  4. When prompted to Sign Up, Skip Sign-up.

  5. Now MySQL wants to be configured...

    1. Choose defaults until you get to "MySQL Server Instance Configuration"

    2. Uncheck the option to Install as Windows Service

      This allows unprivileged users to control the service and what it can access.

    3. Check the option to Include Bin Directory in Windows Path

      This will allow use of the mysql command if desired.

  6. Copy the MySQL JDBC driver (mysql-connector-java-3.1.13-bin.jar) to:
    "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\common\lib"
    This will make it easy for a web application to use the connector to access MySQL databases.

Eclipse Configuration

As the user who will be using Eclipse (not usually the Administrator account), associate "Windows/Preferences/Server/Installed Runtimes/Add/Apache/Tomcat v5.5" with "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5"

Change Log

18 Jan 2007 Minor editing changes
16 Jan 2007 Original document

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