In the instructions below, substitute your UW Net ID wherever you see
Last updated: 27 Dec 2006
Debugging a dynamic web page application based on
servlets (tomcat) has always been
problematic -- it is difficult to find where problems
are when the code is executing
on another computer in another user's address space.
This can be lessened somewhat
by running a local copy of tomcat, but in some environments, this is not
Since Java 1.3, it has been possible to use the
Java Platform Debugging
but few faculty and students know how to use it, and especially in the
context of remotely debugging JSP applications. This document describes the
process for configuring the local development environment in Eclipse
such that you can deploy and debug your JSP application in a remote server
running your own
Tomcat Development Service.
Tomcat Development Service Setup
- You should already have a debugging port (second line in ~/.catalina_port)
However, if you have previously (i.e., prior to 15 Dec 2004) requested this service,
first you need to
rename or
remove it and request it again to get the additional debugging port:
- rm -rf ~/catalina
- rm -f ~/.catalina_port
In either case, when you request_tomcat as described in
Using the Tomcat Development Service,
now you will get the service and debugging ports.
- Mount your home directory (once)
This step is only done once after you request the Tomcat Development
Service and you see the ~/catalina directory. It will copy some
information over to your Windows home directory (H:\.catalina_info)
that will be used to define your remote server.
- Set up the ability to debug (once per debug session)
Whenever you want to debug, you need to start the local tomcat
development service with the debugging option:
~/catalina/startup debug
This uses the second number in the ~/.catalina_port file,
which is the debugging port number. startup writes this
number to the console -- you will need it to
set the debugging port in Eclipse so Eclipse can connect to
the server to allow you to debug remotely.
- The Web Tools Platform (WTP) plugin must be installed (once)
Please follow the
instructions to download the plugin.
Read the download instructions carefully, as they
package Eclipse with everything you need, the prerequisite software
and WTP, or just WTP.
Eclipse and WTP
have already been installed on Institute lab computers.
The explanation which follows might help you install and
configure WTP similarly in another environment.
In menu Windows/Preferences/Ant/Runtime/Classpath,
- expand "Global Entries"
- click on "Add External JARs..."
- browse to add C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\server\lib\catalina-ant.jar
- click "Apply"
This is part of the foundation that allows you to deploy and undeploy your servlet.
- Create Project and Deploy
- Debug Deployed Application
- Next, you need to create a WTP Dynamic Web Project (once per project)
This is done via the wizard from menu
File/New/Project/Web/Dynamic Web Project".
Provide a project name, and create/select a target runtime called
Tomcat 5.5.
- Add your servlet code and test it using the local environment
- Deploy your tested code to a remote tomcat server running from your account.
- Create a Web Archive (.war) file
Right-click on your project name, and choose "Export...", and specify that
you want to create a Web/WAR file called the same
as your project name. Put it in C:\temp
- Connect to the Tomcat Manager Application
Use the Tomcat Manager Application to deploy (or later undeploy) your
web applications. To stay within the Eclipse IDE, open the Web Browser
(one of the toolbar items) and use this URL:
substituting your port number (see below) for %port%, and
your UW Net ID (or team account name) for the "Tomcat Manager Application"
User Name prompt, and the corresponding password for the Password
Here is how to find the information to substitute:
- For individual (not team) projects, use the
H:\.catalina_info file set above
for information about
values to substitute:
- %port% -- the port number (second line)
- username is your UW Net ID
- password associated with Tomcat username (first line)
- For team projects, on repos you will need to look at the team's:
- ~/.catalina_port file for the port number (first line)
- ~/.pw file for the user name (team account name)
and password on the tomcatdev user line
- Deploy the application
Your .war file is not on the server, but on the client. Therefore, you
need to use the section "WAR file to deploy" and click on the Browse...
button to find the path to the .war file you created. That file will be
uploaded when you click on the Deploy button.
- Test your application
You should be able to test your application from the browser using something like:
where you substitute the values you specified above for %port%,
%project_name% should be the same as your Eclipse
project name, as well as your servlet's name.
- Shutdown your Tomcat service at your port (because we will restart it for
debugging) on repos:
- Startup your tomcat service to run in debug mode (on repos):
~/catalina/startup debug
You should see your debug port number.
- Verify on repos that your Tomcat service is running in debug mode:
Substitute your UW Net ID for "uwnetid":
ps aux | grep uwnetid | grep Xdebug
If all went well, you should see a long listing for a java process that has
"catalina" in it, as well as this string:
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket.
If you don't see that, read or re-read
Using the Tomcat Development Service.
If all else fails, contact an Institute lab staff
- Make sure your project is deployed as instructed above.
- Configure for debugging
On your project name, right click and
choose menu Debug As/Debug..., you will see a Configurations choice
that allows you to create new debugging specification on
a per project basis.
Change Log
27 Dec 2006 |
Simplified means of deploying/undeploying apps |
22 Dec 2006 |
Clarified remote service shutdown/startup for debugging; reorganized
major document structure. |
12 Dec 2006 |
Revised for WTP and slightly new technique for debugging. |
1 Jan 2006 |
Noted that support for the Lomboz-based capability has been removed. |
24 Mar 2005 |
Clarified some instructions |
22 Mar 2005 |
Added information on activating server definition |
21 Mar 2005 |
Added some explanation regarding servlet mappings |
7 Mar 2005 |
Original document |
Support Information