Lab Support Information
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We are here to enable you to continue to work on your SET-related projects.

Computing staff provide help with your computer login accounts, the computers in the lab, installed software, coursework and debugging (student mentors should be used for select course work), remote access, etc.

Engineering staff help with computer engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical/civil engineering tasks and projects.

Full-time SET staff are also available (subject to other assignments) for consultation during the hours posted. They are often in one of the labs, maintaining, configuring, and administering the hardware and software.

Area Name Work Hours Responsibilities Room Responsibilities Contact Info
Kevin Muzzy
Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm
general computing/networking and computing infrastructure Computing/networking support in all SET Labs; DOU 110, SCI 106, SCI 108 (Open Labs) (goes to all SET Computing Labs staff), or (goes to Kevin only)

Visit his office in MDS 207 or send e-mail.

Slava Miasishchev
Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm
general computing/networking and computing infrastructure Computing/networking support in all SET Labs; DOU 110, SCI 106, SCI 108 (Open Labs) (goes to all SET Computing Labs staff), or (goes to Slava only)

Visit his office in MDS 207-4 or send e-mail.

Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) Bob Landowski
Monday-Friday, 6:00am-2:00pm
CES Program, embedded systems/hardware questions CP 206D (Embedded Computing Systems Lab), CP 206I (Intelligent Platforms and Architecture Lab)

Knock on his office door (CP 222) or send e-mail.

Chris Barrett
Monday-Friday, 6:00am-2:00pm
EE Program, electrical engineering questions TPS 202 (Advanced Engineering Lab), TPS 302 (Power Engineering Lab)

Knock on his office door (CP 222) or send e-mail.

Don McLane
Monday-Friday, 10:00am-6:00pm
CES-EE Program, CES-EE questions, SET Maker Space questions CP 206J/K (Maker Space)

Knock on his office door (CP 206B) or send e-mail.

Mechanical Engineering (ME) Troy Dunmire
Monday-Friday, 7:00am-3:00pm
ME Program, ME equipment questions GWP G30 (Materials Lab), GWP G40 (Mechatronics Lab), BB G40 (Fluids Lab), WCG G60 (Design Lab), MLG 122 (Combustion Lab), MLG 134 (Machine Shop), MLG 222 (Robotics Lab), MLG 226 (Biomechanics Lab)

Knock on his office door (BHS G60) or send e-mail.

Civil Engineering (CE) Julie Palumbo
Monday-Friday, 7:00am-3:00pm
CE Program, CE equipment questions Concrete/Construction Materials Lab (MLG 128), Hydrology Lab (MLG 227), Geotech/Soils Mechanics Lab (MLG 230), Civil Engineering Design Lab (MLG 326), Environmental and Air Quality Lab (MLG 333)

Knock on her office door (MDS 207) or send e-mail.

Thanks for keeping the labs clean!

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