How to Request and Use Team Accounts
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Last updated: 23 Jan 2007

Request a Team Account

To request a team account, please send email containing the following information:

  1. In the subject line: Team Account Request

  2. In the body of the email:

    1. the team account name (e.g., blueteam)

    2. the course number (e.g., TCSS445)

    3. the name of the server that will host the team account (e.g., cssgate)

    4. the names and UW Net IDs of all team members

    5. any special requests, such as:

      1. need to setup team tomcat development service

Upon receipt of the email and subject to other priorities, we will:

  • create the team account using the name given

    The name will be preceded by an underscore ("_"). We use the underscore to avoid naming conflicts with UW Net IDs assigned to individuals.

    The name might not be the same as the one requested, due to name conflicts with account naming rules, but it should be similar.

  • create a special group name for the team members

    This is needed to be assign file permissions.

  • email a response back to the requester

Use a Team Account

For the sake of illustration, let's say that a request for teamblue was made, and the assigned team name was _teamblue and the group name was !teamblue. Substitute the team and group names you are assigned for the example names in the following:

There is an account called _teamblue set up on the desired host computer:

You don't login to this account, but you use its home directory. When you want to save work on _teamblue, you login to your own account

and either change your directory to _teamblue's home directory and work with that or copy your files into _teamblue's home directory (/home/INSTTECH/_teamblue on Linux; /export/home/_teamblue on Solaris).

There is also a corresponding group called !teamblue. You are all members of the !teamblue group. This gives you write access to _teamblue's home directory. Be very careful about file permissions, especially in the subdirectory public_html if web space is provided -- everything you want accessible to the world must be world-readable.

On the Repository Server, you would refer to _teamblue's web page by:

You may also have some passwords set for the account. For passwords for _teamblue's databases on the Repository Server, look at /home/INSTTECH/_teamblue/.pw


If you are doing web programming or accessing databases, here are some other pertinent web pages:

Change Log

23 Jan 2007 Added ability to request special features
2 Jan 2006 Added link to "How to Use JDBC with any DBMS"
5 Oct 2004 Emphasize, /home/UWTCSS change
25 Apr 2003 Original document

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