Some VMs are hosted on computers that can only be accessed from on campus.
The UW Husky OnNet VPN allows off-campus computers to access resources
such as host computers that are on-campus. Examples of subnets that
are accessible only via the VPN are:,,
and If you see a host IP address or a VM's IP address in
any of those subnets, you connect to the VPN to access it.
Download and install the
appropriate package for your computer -- it may prompt you for your
computer's login account password. Then run the BIG-IP Edge
application -- you will be prompted for your UW Net ID and MyUW/Canvas
password. Connect to "UW Campus Network Traffic Only", and then you
can use other programs to access campus computers (as documented below).
answer "yes" to any questions, and enter your MyUW password.
If Windows finds the ssh command
(in versions of Windows 10 only after the "Fall Creator's Update"), you
should see:
logged on/off
If the ssh command above cannot be found:
Use the plink command found in the folder you unzipped Let's say that folder is C:\Users\username\Downloads\manage_vc, where "username" is the user name you login as for your
computer (e.g., "stephen"). In the command prompt (substitute your UW Net ID for uwnetid -- for me, it's "srondeau"):
cd /d C:\Users\stephen\Downloads\manage_vc
.\plink echo logged on/off
answer "yes" to any questions, and enter your MyUW password. You
should see:
logged on/off
Retrieve your virtual computer's information:
Start manage_vc
When you are prompted:
Please accept or change the user name:
If managing VMs belonging to your account, make sure the user name is your UW Net Id. Provide your MyUW password when prompted for it later.
If managing VMs belonging to a team account, enter your UW Net Id followed by a space and then the team account name.
Provide your account's MyUW password when prompted for it later.
For example:
srondeau _431cst1
This example would use the account associated with UW Net Id "srondeau" to
access the team account "_431cst1". Later, srondeau's MyUW password
would be entered to get the virtual computer information associated with
the team account.
After retrieving virtual computer information:
To connect to the remote desktop/console for a virtual computer:
Click on the Connect button.
If the machine is not started or "running"
(check via the Show State button), you have to first click
on the Start button and then, a minute or more later,
the Connect button to connect to the
virtual computer's display.
For easy login to the virtual computer's guest operating system:
If the operating system is Windows, often a Ctrl-Alt-Del
is needed to get to a login window. That is not possible from the computer
running manage_vc, because Windows installed on that computer will intercept
Ctrl-Alt-Del and use it locally. To send Ctrl-Alt-Del to the remote
virtual computer, use Ctrl-Alt-End. See Other Keyboard Shortcuts for more shortcuts.
Enter or choose the login name, and when
the cursor is in the password text box, click on manage_vc's Paste password button if the name on the button matches the login name.
Tabs at the top of the window allow you to access
different virtual computers.
The name on each tab is the name of a virtual computer.
Pasting arbitrary text to desktop (console or window) is possible.
Bi-directional copy and pasting is usually enabled on all VMs. However,
it requires the VM to be running a GUI because GUIs generally support
copy and paste operations. The "paste" command provided by manage_vc
basically sends raw keystrokes directly
to the desktop, so it can be used for virtual desktops (e.g., gnome,
KDE, Cinnamon, Windows, etc.) as well as command-line console windows.
In the dropdown box to the right of the Do cmd: button,
paste Here is a sentence to paste!
and click on the Do cmd: button -- the text
Here is a sentence to paste!
will be pasted
to the virtual desktop of the current VM.
The best pasting destination is probably an
active terminal
window, command shell, or console window, but it may work in GUIs as long
as the text cursor is pre-positioned in the desired GUI control field, such
as a text box or combo box.
Of course, you probably want to paste a line of text after the "paste" command
from text you copied/put on the clipboard on your
computer, perhaps from a web page. Multiple lines would have to be
pasted one line at time.
When done working with the VM for the day
Logging out of the guest OS login session can be useful. In addition,
you may want to gracefully (i.e., through the use of OS commands or
features) shutdown the operating system and hence the VM. This
helps to conserve resources on the host where the VM resides, and
makes everyone's experience on that host better (multiple VMs
are often running on the same host).
SET Lab Staff may also decide to
set up the VMs such that input activity can be
detected, to conserve valuable host resources.
An automated process can take action if there is no
detected input activity for
a period of time. Such action could be gracefully shutting down
the guest OS or powering off the VM.
You will only want to use the Power Off ... button
if you have no other recourse and want to force the VM off. This
is like pulling the plug on a real computer, and can have similar
consequences, like loss of data or data corruption
because the guest OS did not have a chance to write its buffers
correctly to disk.
Some VMs are hosted on computers that can only be accessed from on campus.
The UW Husky OnNet VPN allows off-campus computers to access resources
such as host computers that are on-campus. Examples of subnets that
are accessible only via the VPN are:,,
and If you see a host IP address or a VM's IP address in
any of those subnets, you connect to the VPN to access it.
Download and install the
appropriate package for your computer -- it may prompt you for your
computer's login account password. Then run the BIG-IP Edge
application -- you will be prompted for your UW Net ID and MyUW/Canvas
password. Connect to "UW Campus Network Traffic Only", and then you
can use other programs to access campus computers (as documented below).
After unzipping the file in a Terminal
window, you should have a manage_vc directory.
Change your working directory to that one:
cd manage_vc
Inside that directory are all of the required files. Please read the
readme_install file for the latest information on how to install:
cat readme_install
The standard way to install is:
perl mvc_install
and follow the instructions provided.
Now that you have installed everything, you should be able to
use manage_vc.
Using manage_vc
Start manage_vc from any Terminal prompt:
Retrieve the information for the virtual machines (VM) or virtual computers (VC) you have access to.
Each user or team is assigned a one or more VMs to use. The VM
information is stored on,
and is accessible by providing your login credentials (UW Net Id and
MyUW/Canvas password). manage_vc will prompt you for a user name,
which for non-team accounts should simply be your UW Net Id;
for team accounts, it is your UW Net Id followed by a blank and then
your team account name. In either case, you will be prompted for
your MyUW/Canvas password.
Entering the correct UW Net Id, optional team account, and password
should pull the VM information from cssgate and
store it locally, so that you can reuse that stored info
again without having to enter your credentials each time you
start manage_vc.
You should then see one or more tab names near the top
of the window.
These tab names are the names of your VMs, one tab per VM.
The information for the first VM is shown and you can manage
that VM immediately. Using any other VM requires you to click
on the tab name for that VM.
Except for VM-specific information, the user interface (buttons,
drop-down boxes, dialog boxes, etc.) for each VM is laid out and
presented the same way.
Get familiar with managing your VM(s)
While you can manage most aspects of each VM yourself, they
have been set up for your course or research needs. Normally
you don't change much about them unless instructed to do so.
Consequently, while the interface may seem daunting, there
are only a few common tasks to do, which are explained below.
Determine the state of your VM
A virtual machine can be in different states, but the two most
important are "powered off" and "running", which are very similar
to a real computer.
You can see the state of a VM by
clicking on its Show State button.
Initially, VMs are often in the "powered off" state, which means you
could modify the VM if need be, but most of time it
means you need to effectively turn it on by "starting" it.
Start a VM
A VM's state changes from "powered off" (or "saved" or "aborted")
to "running" when you click on the Start ...
button. The button name contains the name of the VM, or the first
six characters of it if the VM name is longer than six characters.
To see the full VM name, hover the mouse over the Start button.
Connect to a VM's display
This is the critical step in interacting with the VM. To do so
effectively, you must be
able to see the virtual display attached to the VM, and interact
with it via keyboard and mouse activity. Clicking on the
Connect ... button will re-write a key
remote desktop protocol (RDP) file (file type
.rdp) with
nearly all of the pertinent information in it for you to connect,
and provide instructions in a message box
on how to complete the process of connecting
to the display.
Essentially, you need to start the
Microsoft Remote Desktop application and import
the .rdp file mentioned in the message box.
Note that the files may be ordered alphabetically,
so make sure you look through the entire file listing.
Once that is done, you should edit the PC created
by Microsoft Remote Desktop in order to set and save your credentials.
Those credentials are not the same as the cssgate ones you used,
but are specific for the set of VMs to which you have access —
the message box will tell you which user account to use, and you will
need to supply the password on the clipboard when setting them up.
The credentials for this set of VMs need only be entered
correctly once. After that, you simply reuse them.
To connect to a VM, in Microsoft Remote Desktop,
you simply double-click on the PC name icon —
that name includes the name of the VM you desire.
You should then see its display (as long as the VM is started
and still "running").
Interact with the guest operating system (OS) running on the VM
Most of the time, a guest OS has been pre-installed on your VM's
virtual disk drive by
SET Lab Staff. Therefore, when you start your VM, it starts the
guest OS. Most modern OSes require you to login to them, and so
there is an additional authentication step needed, using a login
account that only the guest OS knows and is provided to you
in the manage_vc interface.
You may need to cause the guest OS to ask for
a login or user name. For a Windows VM, one often has to send
a "Ctrl-Alt-Del" key sequence to the OS to tell it to show
the login prompt. However, on many client OSes (like Windows and
Linux) Ctrl-Alt-Del
will likely restart your own computer — not
the VM.
For a Mac, this reaction is less likely. A safe
way to send Ctrl-Alt-Del to a VM is to actually send Ctrl-Alt-End,
which is the purpose of the C-A-E button.
How do you determine what guest OS login account name works? Look to the
right of the Paste button — use that name as
the login account name. Often, it is "root", "itadmin", or
"administrator". When you see the OS login prompt for a user
name, enter
that login account name.
After entering the login account name, the OS will likely prompt
for a password. The password can be revealed and copied to the
clipboard by clicking on the Reveal button, or
it can be pasted into the password field directly by clicking on the
Paste button.
Once logged into the guest OS, you can interact as need be
You interact by entering keystrokes, or possibly
moving the mouse and
clicking on graphical user interface (GUI)
items on the OS desktop with the mouse buttons — all while
your mouse remains inside the confines of the VM's display window.
For easy login to the virtual computer's guest operating system:
If the operating system is Windows, often a Ctrl-Alt-Del
is needed to get to a login window. That is not possible from the computer
running manage_vc, because Windows installed on that computer will intercept
Ctrl-Alt-Del and use it locally. To send Ctrl-Alt-Del to the remote
virtual computer, use Ctrl-Alt-End. See Other Keyboard Shortcuts for more shortcuts.
Enter or choose the login name, and when
the cursor is in the password text box, click on manage_vc's Paste password button if the name on the button matches the login name.
Tabs at the top of the window allow you to access
different virtual computers.
The name on each tab is the name of a virtual computer.
Pasting arbitrary text to desktop (console or window) is possible.
Bi-directional copy and pasting is usually enabled on all VMs. However,
it requires the VM to be running a GUI because GUIs generally support
copy and paste operations. The "paste" command provided by manage_vc
basically sends raw keystrokes directly
to the desktop, so it can be used for virtual desktops (e.g., gnome,
KDE, Cinnamon, Windows, etc.) as well as command-line console windows.
In the dropdown box to the right of the Do cmd: button,
paste Here is a sentence to paste!
and click on the Do cmd: button -- the text
Here is a sentence to paste!
will be pasted
to the virtual desktop of the current VM.
The best pasting destination is probably an
active terminal
window, command shell, or console window, but it may work in GUIs as long
as the text cursor is pre-positioned in the desired GUI control field, such
as a text box or combo box.
Of course, you probably want to paste a line of text after the "paste" command
from text you copied/put on the clipboard on your
computer, perhaps from a web page. Multiple lines would have to be
pasted one line at time.
When done working with the VM for the day
Logging out of the guest OS login session can be useful. In addition,
you may want to gracefully (i.e., through the use of OS commands or
features) shutdown the operating system and hence the VM. This
helps to conserve resources on the host where the VM resides, and
makes everyone's experience on that host better (multiple VMs
are often running on the same host).
SET Lab Staff may also decide to
set up the VMs such that input activity can be
detected, to conserve valuable host resources.
An automated process can take action if there is no
detected input activity for
a period of time. Such action could be gracefully shutting down
the guest OS or powering off the VM.
You will only want to use the Power Off ... button
if you have no other recourse and want to force the VM off. This
is like pulling the plug on a real computer, and can have similar
consequences, like loss of data or data corruption
because the guest OS did not have a chance to write its buffers
correctly to disk.
Some VMs are hosted on computers that can only be accessed from on campus.
The UW Husky OnNet VPN allows off-campus computers to access resources
such as host computers that are on-campus. Examples of subnets that
are accessible only via the VPN are:,,
and If you see a host IP address or a VM's IP address in
any of those subnets, you connect to the VPN to access it.
Download and install the
appropriate package for your computer -- it may prompt you for your
computer's login account password. Then run the BIG-IP Edge
application -- you will be prompted for your UW Net ID and MyUW/Canvas
password. Connect to "UW Campus Network Traffic Only", and then you
can use other programs to access campus computers (as documented below).
Retrieve the .vcl file from cssgate using the terminal application.
You must know your MyUW password to copy files using scp.
Substitute your team account name for "teamacct".
The trailing period '.' is required — and it is preceded by a space.
The command
will put the .vcl file in the current directory.
For example, if my UW Net ID is srondeau,
and my team account is _452e1:
That command
will put the team's .vcl file in the
current directory.
Look at the file using cat; e.g.:
cat .vcl
Manage the VM by Issuing Commands
The VM can be managed via ssh by sending restricted
commands from the client computer to the host (the computer hosting the
For example, to show what commands are possible, use the
help command —
given the information
in the .vcl file, this is the generic form
of the command:
ssh uwnetid@ipaddr help
"uwnetid" is normally your UW Net Id, but
for team accounts, use your team account name instead of "uwnetid".
For "ipaddr",
use the IP address
found in the .vcl file's
line that contains (host IP) in the
"Host and Guest Login Information" section. Also
use the password mentioned immediately above that
section (normally, the first line, but not always)
when prompted for a password.
You can enter any command listed in the help list,
including commands you may have received from your instructor
or SET Lab staff about entering
in manage_vc's Do cmd: dropdown or text box, even though
you are not running manage_vc. Note that manage_vc's Do cmd:
processing hides the details
of sending the command via ssh.
Start the VM
The VM can be started via ssh. All of the VM/VCL names are
in the .vcl file; see the lines below. The second line contains the VM or VCL name (which is w2016a):
20200323 09:52:15 vcl user srondeau password 'xxxxyyyyzzzz'
20200323 09:52:15 -------- Host and Guest Login Information ----------
20200323 09:52:15 vcl host cn3-vcl4 '' (host IP)
20200323 09:52:15 --------- Information for w2016a ----------
20200323 09:52:15 | vcl vm w2016a (vrdp) '' — use srondeau password above
20200323 09:52:15 | vcl vm w2016a (login) Administrator password 'pw2020'
For "ipaddr",
use the IP address (within the single quotes)
found in the .vcl file's
"Host and Guest Login Information" section, before (host IP).
Note that there may be more than one line
for "vcl user" and "Host and Guest Login" information.
This happens when you are enrolled in more than one course that
uses the VCL.
You must always use the information in the lines
immediately preceding the "Information for" line of
the VM you are interested in working with.
In the example .vcl file excerpt above,
the IP address of the host is
The generic command to start a VM looks like this:
ssh uwnetid@ipaddr start vmname
From the example, the UW Net ID is srondeau, the host IP address is, and the VM name is w2016a, resulting in this command to start the VM:
ssh srondeau@ start w2016a
For team accounts, use the team account name found in the first
line of the .vcl file, substituting it for "uwnetid".
When ssh prompts for a password,
use the password mentioned in that first line (in this case, it is
xxxxyyyyzzzz). Copy and paste works well with complex
passwords — select everything between the single quotes in the first line,
and copy that string, pasting it at the password prompt.
Connect to VM's display
Make sure the VM is started (see above).
To show the state of the VM, the generic command is:
ssh uwnetid@ipaddr vcl_status vmname
For example (see above for specifics):
ssh srondeau@ vcl_status w2016a
It must be running. If not, start it.
Connect to the display by
running the remote desktop command with the correct information.
Configure the remote desktop app, or provide the information on the
remote desktop command line (see this prerequisite).
You must provide your remote desktop app or command with the IP
address, port number, user name and password.
Using the sample
VCL information above, e.g., run the
xfreerdp command from a desktop terminal window, requesting
a 1280x1024 window, and the ability to use the clipboard between
client computer and the VM's guest OS:
Interact with the guest operating system (OS) running on the VM
Most of the time, a guest OS has been pre-installed on your VM's
virtual disk drive by
SET Lab Staff. Therefore, when you start your VM, it starts the
guest OS. Most modern OSes require you to login to them, and so
there is an additional authentication step needed, using a login
account that only the guest OS knows and is provided to you
in the .vcl file.
You may need to cause the guest OS to ask for
a login or user name. For a Windows VM, one often has to send
a "Ctrl-Alt-Del" key sequence to the OS to tell it to show
the login prompt. To do so (see Issue Commands
to the VM for details)
ssh uwnetid@ipaddr send_cad vmname
For example (see above for specifics):
ssh srondeau@ send_cad w2016a
How do you determine what guest OS login account name works? Look
in the .vcl file for the line containing
(login) for your VM name. In the example above,
the login name is Administrator
and the password is pw2020 —
use that name as
the login account name, remembering that Linux guest OSes use
case-sensitive login names; respect the case provided.
Often, a login name is "root", "itadmin", or
"administrator" (for Windows, the case of the login name is not respected).
When you see the OS login prompt for a user
name, enter
that login account name.
After entering the login account name, the OS will likely prompt
for a password. We strongly advise copying the password to the clipboard
so that it can be pasted into the password field directly.
Once logged into the guest OS, you can interact as need be
You interact by entering keystrokes, or possibly
moving the mouse and
clicking on graphical user interface (GUI)
items on the OS desktop with the mouse buttons — all while
your mouse remains inside the confines of the VM's display window.
When done working with the VM for the day
Logging out of the guest OS login session can be useful. In addition,
you may want to gracefully (i.e., through the use of OS commands or
features) shutdown the operating system and hence the VM. This
helps to conserve resources on the host where the VM resides, and
makes everyone's experience on that host better (multiple VMs
are often running on the same host).
Gracefully shutting down the OS is best done from within the
interactive login
session of the guest OS -- the shutdown command
does not always cause the guest OS to shut down (especially, in
the case of Windows).
SET Lab Staff may also decide to
set up the VMs such that input activity can be
detected, to conserve valuable host resources.
An automated process can take action if there is no
detected input activity for
a period of time. Such action could be gracefully shutting down
the guest OS or powering off the VM.
You will only want to use the poweroff command
if you have no other recourse and want to force the VM off. This
is like pulling the plug on a real computer, and can have similar
consequences, such as loss of data or data corruption
because the guest OS did not have a chance to write its buffers
correctly to disk.
Methods to Display and Interact with VM
One of three methods will be used to display the screen and interact with the VM remotely:
The "remote desktop" method is by far the easiest and likely the
most familiar to use. However, it requires either:
VirtualBox on the host runs a virtual RDP ("VRDP") service for each VM
This is a much more reliable way of viewing the desktop or console
of the virtual machine. It does not depend on the VM's network
or NICs to be set up correctly. Consequently, you can configure
your virtual network inside the guest operating system.
The information needed to use VRDP is present in two lines. Each
VM after the Autumn 2020 quarter should
have a line containing (vrdp), immediately followed
by the connection information needed by your RDP client — the
IP address of the host followed by a colon, then the port on the
host to use:
20200323 09:52:15 --------- Information for w2016a ----------
20200323 09:52:15 | vcl vm w2016a (vrdp) '' — use srondeau password above
20200323 09:52:15 | vcl vm w2016a (login) Administrator password 'pw2020'
In this example, the host and port information is
Sometimes the port (e.g., 53765 is a separate
argument from the host IP address (e.g.,
The user name and password
to use is found on the first line:
20200323 09:52:15 vcl user srondeau password 'xxxxyyyyzzzz'
In this example, the user is
srondeau and the
password is xxxxyyyyzzzz
the guest operating system runs a service that provides
the remote desktop protocol ("guest RDP")
That service must be installed and
configured correctly, as well as started. The guest's network must be
functioning correctly.
For Windows and Linux guest operating systems, the guest RDP
service may have been set up for you by SET lab staff.
Note that Windows RDP services work well, but Linux RDP
services don't always work (although SET Labs staff have had
success with xrdp).
The issue then is how to use remote desktop, and that
depends on the network methods your virtual network interface cards,
or NICs, use. Only the Network Address Translation
(NAT) and "bridged" methods allow remote access
from any computer to your guest OS.
In either case,
the VM's guest OS must be fully up and running
(i.e., the
VM must be started), and
the desired NIC must be connected to the network and functioning
(i.e., not disabled).
You should also know the configuration of the NICs defined for
your VM. Not all of that information is in the .vcl
file. The NIC information can be displayed by using the
show_nic command; e.g.:
ssh srondeau@ show_nic w2016a
You may see either "NAT" or "bridged" in one or more of the
displayed NIC information. For "bridged", note the NIC's number
for the show_vm_ip command below. Also, note
the cable connected status, which indicates whether
the NIC is connected to a network; it usually is connected, but
could help during troubleshooting a problem.
Using the NAT networking method
Continuing with the example above, consider these lines excerpted from a .vcl file:
20200323 09:52:15 | vcl vm w2016a (guest login) Administrator password 'pw2020'
20200323 09:52:15 +-------- PORT Information ----------
20200323 09:52:15 | vcl w2016a cn8-vcl12 host port '' (ms-wbt-server) for guest NIC 2 port 3389/TCP
20200323 09:52:15 +------- End of PORT Information ----------
A NAT device can allow external access from the host to the VM's guest
operating system by mapping a host port to a guest port. This is normally
set up for you by SET Lab staff. For your RDP client program, you
will need the host IP address and the host port.
The .vcl file's "PORT Information" section has
information about the port mappings.
You are looking for a service name of "ms-wbt-server" to get the
right mapping information. Once you find that line,
supply the 'IP address:port' string to your RDP client.
The user name will be the account name for the guest operating system,
which is often "administrator" or "itadmin" for Windows, and
"root" or "itadmin" for Linux. The password is usually listed in the
.vcl file "login" line in the
"Host and Guest Login Information" section.
However, you may change the user name or password within your
guest operating system, or perhaps you may even have a domain name
if you created your own Windows domain. For Windows, you would
need to make sure that user is in the Administrators group or
is explicitly allowed to connect remotely. In those cases, you would
supply whatever the current account names, passwords and domain names
you know; there is no way for the .vcl file to be
able to contain that information.
Using the Bridged networking method
The bridged networking method is trickier, because we may not know
the IP address, and it is critical for connecting to the guest OS.
You can determine the IP address of the guest by entering (e.g.):
ssh srondeau@ show_vm_ip win10 2
The NIC number "2" means use the second NIC to look for the win10 VM's
IP address.
While we can often presume the port is the default 3389,
it may be changed to a different port to make it harder for hackers
to find the RDP port. If the VM was configured by SET lab staff, they
should tell you of any non-default RDP port that they used — it won't
be in the .vcl file.
You would need to provide the returned guest/VM
IP address and the RDP port used to your RDP client, together with
the guest user name and password.
The user name will be the account name for the guest operating system,
which is often "administrator" or "itadmin" for Windows, and
"root" or "itadmin" for Linux. The password is usually listed in the
.vcl file "login" line in the
"Host and Guest Login Information" section.
However, if you add or change users and/or their passwords, and they
are allowed to access the guest operating system remotely, you must
supply those user account names and passwords instead of information
from the .vcl file.
Copying and pasting the .vcl file password
(which is between the quotes) is
probably your best choice, as the password can be cryptic.
If using a command,
you might find that command in your history when you want to connect again.
The "SSH" remote interaction method is the next easiest
to use, but requires familiarity with commands.
However, it requires an SSH service
to be installed,
configured correctly, and running. Most of the time, for most
Linux guest operating systems, the SSH service has been
set up for you.
The way to use the NICs is very similar to the
RDP NAT or Bridged
information is documented, substituting "ssh" for "rdp".
The default ssh port is 22.
This interaction method does not require something pre-installed
on the VM, but it is much harder to work with, and, as such, should
be considered a last resort or your only choice if you install the
guest operating system yourself.
Alternative Ways to Connect to and Use Virtual Computers
As of January 2021 and thereafter, VMs that haven't had any input activity
for more than 30 minutes (or other amount of time chosen by
the instructor) will either be gracefully shutdown (if possible)
or have their state saved.
As of December 2020, Windows VMs will be gracefully shutdown by default
so that they can accurately detect input activity.
Linux VMs can do
that after resuming from saving their state, so saving state is their default.
"Saving the state" is essentially the same as
hibernating a laptop or desktop computer. When a computer is hibernated,
the contents of the RAM and the state of the CPU (registers, instruction
pointer, etc.)
are saved to secondary storage, to be restored at a later point in time,
when the computer is started.
Hibernation is
often done to conserve battery or
wall power, because after the hibernation is complete, the
the display is turned off and the computer is powered down.
Saving the VM's state means that the host resources
(CPU cores and RAM) dedicated for that VM's use
can be freed and made available to others on the same host.
This allows the host, often a powerful and expensive server, to be used by
more VMs. Increasing the utilization of a server helps to justify
the cost of the server. That is, if the server has a lot of
VMs running that are doing essentially nothing, with no user interacting
with them, then those dedicated server resources can't be used by other VMs
to do something useful.
In an academic environment, the VMs that students are assigned are
often used sporadically, and yet the students don't shut down the VMs
after they are finished using them (to start them up later when they
need them again). Consequently, a lot of host resources are wasted.
However, interacting with the console, terminal session or desktop
of a guest operating system (OS)
isn't the only academic use for VMs. Other uses include doing
intensive computations or input/output, providing a service to
another VM or real computer, or acting as the target of
a penetration test. In those cases, user interaction with the
VM via keyboard or mouse (or "input") activity may be minimal,
and freeing up the VM's host resources based solely on a lack of
input activity could be counter-productive — the VM is no
longer running.
Types of Opt-out Defaults
There are several types of opt-out defaults; some
are overrideable by users, while others are not:
no explicitly-set default for course or user: overrideable
instructor or SET lab staff, explicitly set course-wide
opt-out defaults: NOT overrideable
SET lab staff explicitly set per-user opt-out defaults: NOT overrideable
user explicitly set opt-out default: overrideable
The following documentation pertains to when there is an opt-out default
that a user can override.
We provide a means to "opt out" of the default
condition of more than 30 minutes of idle time (i.e.,
lack of input activity) causing
the shutdown or saving of the state of a VM, and thus the freeing
of that VM's host resources. This opting out is
intended to indicate that the VM's host resources should
not be freed up.
Note that SET Lab staff can override any user VM opt-out setting,
if need be or if the course instructor requests it.
The opt_out command is what is used:
For manage_vc, the command and its arguments are typed in
the drop-down box to the right of the Do cmd:
button, and the Do cmd: button and subsequent
OK buttons are clicked.
For Mac/Linux users, the command follows the ssh command
that is normally used to manage the VM (see below for an example).
The general form of command is:
opt_out vm_name condition then action
the name of the VM
either a
single word
see below
see below
the literal string then
one of the following words:
savestate ignore default shutdown poweroff
"savestate" saves the state of the VM, and is the same as "default".
Saving the state takes a significant amount of time (depending on
the amount of virtual RAM), and
restoring it later when the VM is
started also takes significant time.
"shutdown" indicates that the VM should be gracefully shut down,
which provides the guest OS the opportunity to flush caches to disk
and do other clean up work prior to powering off. This
takes much less disk space because the state of RAM does not
need to be saved, and less time to start up the VM again later.
"poweroff" is
the equivalent to "pulling the plug" on a real computer that does not run
on battery power. It can cause file integrity
problems but is very fast. In an academic environment,
VMs rarely have file integrity problems
due to low virtual disk activity.
"ignore" means to allow this VM to continue running, and hence it
won't free up any host resources that the VM uses.
A single-word condition is one of these words:
null always true default
"null", "always" and "true" are synonyms, indicating
that the action is always done. "default" means
to use the default condition, which is:
input_idle gt 30m
"help" is also allowed (no then part needed), and will
output help for this command.
A condition is of the form:
term1 op term2
Usually, the first term is input_idle,
meaning the duration of time that no input activity has been detected
In the future, more terms may be defined and implemented.
either lt for "less than", or
gt, for "greater than"
a value to compare with the value of term1, of one of the following forms:
where ddd is a positive integer representing
the number of minutes (if m follows) or
hours (if h follows) to compare with
input_idle's value.
Here are some examples, using win10 as the VM name,
in two forms: the first is for the manage_vc Do cmd: drop-down
box, and the second is the same command using ssh for
VM user with UW Net ID srondeau
whose VMs are on host
Condition example:
opt_out win10 input_idle gt 45m then shutdown
ssh srondeau@ opt_out win10 input_idle gt 45m then shutdown
which means that the win10 VM should be gracefully shut down after 45
minutes without any input activity.
Single-word condition example:
opt_out win10 true then ignore
ssh srondeau@ opt_out win10 true then ignore
which means that the win10 VM should never be subject to having its resources
Troubleshooting manage_vc on Windows
Access denied.
It may be possible that something running on your Windows computer,
like an anti-virus or cybersecurity tool (e.g., AVG)
is blocking access.
Another possibility is that you have a space in your user profile name.
To see that name, open a command prompt and enter:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "\\\srondeau$\scripts\python\manage_vc\", line 3211, in <module>
The line number may vary, depending on the version of manage_vc. Version 4.1.9
or higher (4.1.10+) fixes the problem, which was an unhandled exception that
is now handled. Download for Windows here..
"Internal error" when connecting to VM's display
This comes from either a misconfiguration in the settings for the
Microsoft remote desktop client you are using, or from some other
error in that client. Try downloading and
unzipping to get the latest
version, and use that one to connect.
manage_vc.exe has a virus or is quarantined
This is likely a false positive
from your anti-virus tool (often,
Microsoft's Windows Defender). manage_vc was deemed to be free from
viruses, according to
the UW's choice for antivirus software.
manage_vc is written in Python and
compiled into an executable file.
Antivirus software
generally use signatures to detect malware. Since AutoIT Script
is a general-purpose language with the ability to change the Windows
environment, it is used by some malware authors. Another malware-detection
technique is to use
heuristics to detect behavior that might indicate the presence of malware.
Either a signature incorrectly identified manage_vc.exe to be malware,
or some heuristic determined that it was suspect.
The default behavior of antivirus software is usually to "quarantine"
the file, which makes it not-executable and may even move it to a different
location. Since false positives are fairly common, antivirus software
often give you the ability to allow a file deemed as malware to be
an exception — to "whitelist" the file.
To whitelist manage_vc.exe in Windows Defender:
Go to Settings/Windows Defender/Virus & Threat Protection/Threat History.
Click on the Allowed Threats/See full history
Click on the dropdown box for the threat listed (use See details to verify it is manage_vc.exe that is considered the threat).
Choose to Allow the threat.
Alternatively, you could install
Windows Defender
automatically disables itself if another antivirus tool is installed and
active, so Sophos would override any malware detection Windows Defender
uses. Since Sophos doesn't consider manage_vc.exe to be malware, you could
simply download and unzip and be able
to use manage_vc.exe.
Can't ping
Even if you can't ping it, execution continues after you click
OK, so you may still be
able to retrieve the VCL information file.
You aren't connected to the network.
Double-check your network connections... try manually pinging in
a cmd shell:
If that works, ping cssgate:
You are using IPv6 instead of IPv4 addresses.
Check by using ipconfig in a cmd
shell. Use of IPv6 is untested.
You have an old version of manage_vc.
Check the version number — it should be later than 4.0. If not,
re-download and unzip
Can't find scp program
Change the manage_vc.ini file to provide the correct
path to the scp program. Putty uses "pscp.exe" for the scp program name.
Can't find ssh program
Change the manage_vc.ini file to provide the correct
path to the ssh program. Putty uses "plink.exe" for the ssh program name.
VM's desktop size is too small
Change the manage_vc.ini file to provide the desired
desktop width and height. Either add to an older (pre-3.16 manage_vc)
file or change the values. For example, to change from default 1024x768
desktop to 1280x1024, this .ini section information should be present:
width = 1280
height = 1024
You will need to exit manage_vc, then start it again for the .ini
file change to take effect when you click on the Connect
VM's desktop is not full-screen
Change the manage_vc.ini file to provide the desired
desktop "screen mode id".
For fullscreen, this .ini section information must be present:
mode = 2
You may also want to change the width and height
values, as changing to
full screen does not scale anything or change the resolution.
You will need to exit manage_vc, then start it again for the .ini
file change to take effect when you click on the Connect
Can't find ... (file name with .vcl in it)
You may not have successfully contacted cssgate to download the VCL
information file. It could be that your IP address is blocked;
contact SET lab staff" for help.
Access is not allowed for ... (file name with .vcl in it)
You do not have write access to that file location.
Unable to open file ... (file name with .vcl in it)
There was some error with opening that file.
The list of VMs is different from what was expected.
You may be referencing an old set of VMs from a previous class. In some
cases, if you should be using a team account, you may have omitted the
team account name after your UW Net Id when prompted for a user name.
Connection refused: FATAL NETWORK ERROR
There could be a variety of problems causing this, but the two most common
ones are the host computer (where the VM is running) is blocking your
IP address (contact Support with your
IP address), or you may have changed your PuTTY configuration's default
settings to use a protocol other than SSH. In one
case, a student set the default to Serial and didn't
realize this was a universal setting -- all PuTTY commands, such as
plink and pscp, would respect that setting and attempt to connect
via the serial port.
plink: unknown option "-no-antispoof"
The version of plink that manage_vc found to use is out of date.
Download and unzip the latest version of manage_vc and
this will be resolved by default, ignoring any "ssh" and
"scp" commands that defaulted or you specified
manage_vc.ini file, and using just the ones
in the manage_vc directory.
The server's host key is not cached in the registry. [...]
Connection abandoned.
The version of manage_vc should be at 3.05 or higher to avoid this
Download and unzip the latest version of manage_vc and
this will be resolved by default, ignoring any "ssh" and
"scp" commands that defaulted or you specified
manage_vc.ini file, and using just the ones
in the manage_vc directory.
This is normally due to a port not being specified (or specified as 0)
for the
pscp tool used by manage_vc. This happened in versions
prior to 3.05.
Download and unzip the latest version of manage_vc
to fix this.
Troubleshooting manage_vc on MacOS
"Alert" message when trying to get VCL information
An information box that only says "Alert" may appear after you enter
your cssgate password. That likely means that the host key for
cssgate is not present on your computer, and the scp command is
asking for it but its error messages were not something that manage_vc
could recognize. There are three resolutions to this problem:
Re-download and install manage_vc (4.1.6 or higher)
This problem has been fixed in manage_vc 4.1.6 and above.
The easiest thing to do is to delete the manage_vc directory. Often,
this is in your home directory's "Downloads" folder.
rm -rf ~/Downloads/manage_vc
Be very careful there are no typos, as this is a powerful command that
can delete more files than you think if a mistake is made. Then
download and
install manage_vc again (pressing enter and minimizing windows
when asked to install python
and Microsoft Remote Desktop):
cd ~/Downloads
perl mvc_install
Start manage_vc after that and use as normal.
Login to cssgate once
Login to see the prompt and answer the question ("yes") about
adding the host key ("exit") simply closes the ssh session immediately:
ssh exit
Then close manage_vc, and start it again. It should allow the transfer
of the VM information (in the .vcl file) this
second time, now that the host key has been accepted.
Re-download and install manage_vc, and use cpvcl script
The current (10 Oct 2022) and future file contains
a script called cpvcl, which will copy the VM information
file (.vcl) and rename it to the proper name for
manage_vc to recognize it as already present. You would also see any
prompts for the host key that may be preventing manage_vc from doing this
under the covers.
The easiest thing to do is to delete the manage_vc directory. Often,
this is in your home directory's "Downloads" folder.
rm -rf ~/Downloads/manage_vc
Be very careful there are no typos, as this is a powerful command that
can delete more files than you think if a mistake is made. Then
download and
install manage_vc again (pressing enter and minimizing windows
when asked to install python
and Microsoft Remote Desktop):
cd ~/Downloads
perl mvc_install
After that is done, you can use cpvcl. For example,
if the UW Net Id srondeau wanted to access team _555team4's VM information
(and was allowed to):
cpvcl srondeau _555team4
and answering the prompts should do it. Start manage_vc after that
(with your specific UW Net Id, optional team account, and password)
and you should be prompted to "Reuse..." the existing VM information,
and you should click on "Yes", since it was just copied to your home
"Internal error" when connecting to VM's display
This comes from either a misconfiguration in the settings for the
Microsoft remote desktop client you are using, or from some other
error in that client. Try downloading and
unzipping to get the latest
version, and use that one to connect.
Error 0x4 (or 0x204) when connecting to VM's display
If Microsoft Remote Desktop returns error 0x4
or 0x204 after
you click "Connect", it may be that the password you saved was
not correctly entered. You can change that by clicking on the
pencil icon for the PC, and changing the "User Account"
dropdown box to "Ask when required", save it, and connect again.
The correct password might still be on the clipboard. If not,
it could be in the large messagebox that informs you how to connect
using Microsoft Remote Desktop (near the end of the long message).
Here are some screenshots that may help:
Microsoft Remote Desktop after importing the xxxxxx_win10_0.rdp file:
Show the icons by hovering the mouse/trackpad pointer over the PC:
The pencil icon highlighted:
The "Edit PC" box resulting from clicking on the pencil icon:
After clicking on the "User account" name box, you will see choices,
with the "Add User Account..." one highlighted here to click on:
Here is the user account filled out, with the name to use. Usually,
that name is your UW Net ID, but for team accounts, it will be the
team account. The password was pasted from the clipboard.
Normally, you use
the same "Friendly Name" as the "Username" to make it easier. However,
sometimes you need to differentiate between two password for the same
user account, so choose a friendly name that reflects which user and
password combination this is. Here we show only the normal case:
As a last resort,
you can copy the password from the VCL file saved
in your home directory. The name of the VCL file is likely of the form
".vcl.uwnetid", where "uwnetid" is your UW Net Id. For a team account, it
is the team account name (starts with an underscore). Consequently, for
my UW Net Id ("srondeau"), the VCL file name would be ".vcl.srondeau". From
a terminal window, one can show the contents of a file in the home directory
as follows (for example):
cat ~/.vcl.srondeau
In the first line of the VCL file is the password you need, between the
single quotes. Copy that to the clipboard (with command-C) and then
paste it where needed when defining a new user account entry in the
PC (pencil icon, click on dropdown box, click on Add User Account...).
In my case, I would provide srondeau as the user name (from first line
of the VCL file), and paste the password in the password field, showing
the password field as a means of double-checking it. Give it a "Friendly
Name" that is the same as an existing user name, and the password replaces
the existing password
when you "Add" it, and then "Save" the updated PC information.
manage_vc.exe has a virus or is quarantined
This is likely a false positive
from your anti-virus tool. manage_vc was deemed to be free from
viruses, according to
the UW's choice for antivirus software.
manage_vc is written in Python and
compiled into an executable file.
Antivirus software
generally use signatures to detect malware. Since AutoIT Script
is a general-purpose language with the ability to change the Windows
environment, it is used by some malware authors. Another malware-detection
technique is to use
heuristics to detect behavior that might indicate the presence of malware.
Either a signature incorrectly identified manage_vc.exe to be malware,
or some heuristic determined that it was suspect.
The default behavior of antivirus software is usually to "quarantine"
the file, which makes it not-executable and may even move it to a different
location. Since false positives are fairly common, antivirus software
often give you the ability to allow a file deemed as malware to be
an exception — to "whitelist" the file.
Alternatively, you could install
Since Sophos doesn't consider manage_vc.exe to be malware, you could
simply download and unzip and be able
to use manage_vc.exe.
Can't ping
Even if you can't ping it, execution continues after you click
OK, so you may still be
able to retrieve the VCL information file.
You aren't connected to the network.
Double-check your network connections... try manually pinging in
a cmd shell:
If that works, ping cssgate:
You are using IPv6 instead of IPv4 addresses.
Check by using ifconfig en0 in a Terminal
window. If there is an inet line with a valid IPv4 address,
then that will likely be used. Use of any IPv6 address is untested.
You have an old version of manage_vc.
Check the version number — it should be later than 4.0. If not,
re-download and unzip
Can't find scp program
Change the manage_vc.ini file to provide the correct
path to the scp program.
It should be /usr/bin/scp in
Can't find ssh program
Change the manage_vc.ini file to provide the correct
path to the ssh program.
It should be /usr/bin/ssh in
VM's desktop size is too small
Change the manage_vc.ini file to provide the desired
desktop width and height.
For example, to change from default 1024x768
desktop to 1280x1024, this .ini section information should be present:
width = 1280
height = 1024
You will need to exit manage_vc, then start it again for the .ini
file change to take effect when you click on the Connect
button and follow the instructions provided.
You may also need to edit your Microsoft Remote Desktop settings
for the PC whose display you want to change. Change the appropriate values
in the Display tab for Resolution, and save the new settings.
VM's desktop is not full-screen
Change the manage_vc.ini file to provide the desired
desktop "screen mode id".
For fullscreen, this .ini section information must be present:
mode = 2
In Microsoft Remote Desktop for the desired PC, you may also
want to check the box for "Display/Resolution/Start session in full screen"
and/or the "Resolution" values, then save the settings, as changing to
full screen does not scale anything or change the resolution.
You will need to exit manage_vc, then start it again for the .ini
file change to take effect when you click on the Connect
button and follow the instructions provided.
Access is not allowed for ... (file name with .vcl in it)
You do not have write access to that file in your home directory.
Unable to open file ... (file name with .vcl in it)
There was some error with opening that file.
The list of VMs is different from what was expected.
You may be referencing an old set of VMs from a previous class. In some
cases, if you should be using a team account, you may have omitted the
team account name after your UW Net Id when prompted for a user name.
Connection refused: FATAL NETWORK ERROR
There could be a variety of problems causing this, but the most common
one is that the host computer (where the VM is running) is blocking your
IP address;
contact SET lab staff with your IP address"
from this web page
for help.
Store key in cache? (y/n)
You normally answer:
to this prompt.
Troubleshooting commands
Command does not work/execute.
In manage_vc, commands run by "Do cmd:" now (since 2.57) run synchronously,
meaning that if you don't
close the command window for the previous command,
the next "Do cmd:" won't work.
Make sure you close all command shell windows from previous commands (look
at your Windows Task Bar) before trying to execute another one.
screenshot: No information returned for screenshot.
Sometimes a long-running screenshot web server gets stuck, and needs
to be stopped. This can be detected by the above message in manage_vc
or the lack of a screenshot web page URL being shown to you. In either
case, run this command (people NOT using manage_vc do this after
"ssh uwnetid@ipaddr"):
screenshot vmname stopweb
where "vmname" is the name of any VM you manage (one web server created
for all VMs).
scp or ssh: authenticity of host can't be established
The first time you try to connect to a host with either scp
or ssh, you may receive this message, which also asks if
you want to continue. While there are man-in-the-middle
(MITM) cyberattacks of
which you should be wary, most of the time you can simply answer yes and
safely continue. This message is stating that scp/ssh doesn't know the host,
and its key has never been saved on your computer, so it isn't sure if
it should continue. This can also happen if the host key was re-generated;
e.g., when the host computer is upgraded or changes its operating system.
Unfortunately, there is no indication if this is a MITM attack, so you
are still taking a small risk, but SET Lab staff advice is to accept
this the first
time it happens on your computer, but ask SET Lab staff if it happens
again from the same computer.
Guest OS feature/service does not work
There can be many reasons why something that you expect to be working
on the guest OS (e.g., Windows, Ubuntu) running inside the virtual machine
is not working. The feature or service may not be installed, started,
or configured correctly, or it may be blocked by a firewall. In addition,
not all network services are available as expected
based on the virtual network used; e.g., the Network Address Translation
(NAT) networking method will not allow guest ports
to be used unless explicitly mapped to host ports.
However, more fundamentally, you may not realize that the VM is not running,
in which case the guest OS is not running. That's the first thing you
should check via manage_vc's "Show State" button or the ssh command
sent to the host. For example, using an ubuntu VM on host
ssh srondeau@ vcl_status ubuntu
If it is "running", then something else may be wrong (see first paragraph).
If it is not, you will need to start the VM before you try to use the VM,
to make sure the guest OS is running.
Common reasons that a VM may not be running:
you or a team member may have shutdown or powered off the VM
a power outage that forced a restart of the host that runs the VM
SET Lab staff may have put your VM into a "saved" state to perform
maintenance on the host
In nearly all cases, one should be able to start the VM again and
access the guest OS's features.
Troubleshooting Networking
Connecting to VM display doesn't work
You should first ensure that the VM has started and the guest
OS is fully operational. The next thing to check is the IP address --
can you connect to it? Try:
ping ipaddr
where "ipaddr" is the host or VM's IP address. If the connection
times out, perhaps the IP address is in a semi-private/private subnet
only accessible from the VPN, in which
case you need to make sure you are connected to the VPN, and ping the
IP address again afterwards.
Another possibility is your port number is incorrect; often it
is set to a non-default port by SET lab staff to make it more difficult
for internet attackers to find it; contact SET lab staff for information.
It may be possible that the remote desktop service is not working
properly if you can determine, by utilizing
the screenshot command, that the guest operating system is up. The
guest operating system's firewall might be blocking it, or the
service has not been started or has failed. Please contact
SET lab staff to help with such problems.
Using Husky OnNet: Connection timed out
You may need to stop Husky OnNet, then start it again to allow the
connection to go through.
FATAL ERROR: network error: connection timed out
The host on which your VM resides may be using a private IP address,
which is not accessible directly from off-campus. Use the
Husky OnNet VPN to access the campus
network from off-campus, prior to using any VM IP-related resources.
Change Log
26 Jan 2023
Added error code '0x204' to troubleshooting manage_vc for Mac
item concerning "Error code 0x4"
11 Jan 2023
Added troubleshooting manage_vc for Windows item concerning a "Traceback"
message caused by an unhandled exception and one for "access denied".
6 Jan 2023
Changed last paragraph of "Error 0x4 when connecting to VM's display"
to reflect that "adding" a password to an existing "user" and providing
the same "friendly name" as "user" will update the password for the user.
25 Oct 2022
Provided xfreerdp example for Linux use.
10 Oct 2022
Added troubleshooting instructions for what to do when the Alert
information box shows up using a Mac.
3 Oct 2022
Added instructions to use manage_vc for Linux, and restored section
"Methods to Display and Interact with VM". Also, re-arranged and
clarified the table of contents at top.
12 Sep 2022
Added instructions to use manage_vc for MacOS and corresponding
Troubleshooting section.
21 Jun 2022
Added "Guest OS feature/service does not work" in the Troubleshooting
Commands section.
15 Apr 2022
In Mac instructions, added Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection-specific
field names in the examples, and added screenshot with it.
13 Oct 2021
Added troubleshooting commands section topic on scp/ssh "authenticity of host" message.
30 Sep 2021
Added troubleshooting manage_vc section on changing to fullscreen mode.
29 Jul 2021
Added troubleshooting manage_vc section on resolving small desktop size
on connect, and removed onload alert.
2 Apr 2021
Added troubleshooting manage_vc section on resolving "internal error"
on connect.
23 Dec 2020
Revised onload alert to highlight January 2021 changes, noted
special case where .vcl file contains multiple vcl user/host and guest
information lines due to multiple courses for which the student
has VMs, and updating opt-out documentation to state when
students can opt-out.
7 Dec 2020
Added onload alert to highlight January 2021 changes.
20 Oct 2020
Revised Mac section for using VRDP information from .vcl file.
25 Sep 2020
Added two more plink/pscp-related "Troubleshooting manage_vc" items.
24 Sep 2020
Added two plink-related "Troubleshooting manage_vc" items.
31 Aug 2020
Added "Troubleshooting commands" section and content.
26 Aug 2020
Provided better instructions to get NIC information, and for
subnets only available from Husky OnNet VPN.
25 Aug 2020
Provided better instructions for using .vcl file "PORT Information".
24 Aug 2020
Provided troubleshooting instructions for Command in "Do cmd:" dropdown box does not work/execute.
5 Aug 2020
Added new ways to connect and interact with the VM's guest operating system.
2 Apr 2020
Provided troubleshooting instructions when "FATAL NETWORK ERROR" occurs.
17 Mar 2020
Provided instructions for how to connect to a remote display from a Mac.
11 Mar 2020
Added prerequisite instructions for using UW Husky OnNet VPN to
connect to on-campus computers from off-campus. Added table of contents.
11 Oct 2019
Added logging into cssgate before using manage_vc to avoid problems
getting the VCL information file, per Chuck Costarella's suggestion.
Fixed broken link to Microsoft Remote Desktop client for Mac.
10 May 2017
Added documentation for paste command.
14 Sep 2016
Changed references to INSTTECH password to MyUW password.
30 Jun 2016
Removed pre-requisite for downloading putty, since it has been included in the .zip file for a while now. Included Mac OS X section on "Issue commands to the VM".
14 Jan 2016
Updated Mac OS X instructions
30 Sep 2014
Added "Troubleshooting" section
2 Apr 2014
Added info on using Ctrl-Alt-End to send Ctrl-Alt-Del to virtual computer
18 Aug 2013
Attempted to clarify instructions
24 Jan 2013
Updated instructions for Mac OS X users to also use CoRD
15 Jan 2013
Provided instructions for Mac OS X users
18 Oct 2012
Provided instructions on what to change for PuTTY installed on
a Windows 64-bit system
20 Dec 2011
Clarified which version of PuTTY to download, added team account and
virtual computer start instructions